
Is it possible to animate when page scroll stops?

chiahsien opened this issue · 1 comments

I understand that Jazzhands's concept is keyframe, so the animations happen during page scrolling.

I'd like to know if it's possible to do some animations when scroll stops?
For example: after (not during) I scroll from page 1 to page 2, I can zoom in/out a button in page 2.

If it's possible, what is the best practice to do it?

Hi @chiahsien, You probably wouldn't use JazzHands to perform this type of animation, but it can work nicely alongside JazzHands.

You could set your view controller as the scroll view's delegate, respond to scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation:, scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:, and scrollViewDidEndDragging:willDecelerate: (that last one only if willDecelerate is false), and check what page you're on to decide if you want to begin playing animations using something like [UIView animateWithDuration:.