
nil exception in conjunction with globlaize 3

slowjack2k opened this issue · 2 comments


I'm using globalize 3.1.0
with this gem I get a nil Exception within
cast_attribute. The error starts within
def raw_sql(record) because
record.column_for_attribute(key) for translated columns
returns nil.

Globalize offers a method translated_attributes to determine such attributes.
Is it possible to support globalize or simply skip columns without a database column?


My Work Around looks like this:

      attributes = record.attributes

      keys = []
      values = []
      attributes.each_pair do |key, value|
        column = record.column_for_attribute(key)
        next unless column
        keys << "`#{key}`"
        values << connection.quote(cast_attribute(record, column, value))

      "INSERT INTO `#{record.class.table_name}` (#{keys.join(', ')}) VALUES (#{values.join(', ')})"

Hello, @slowjack2k!
I'm not familiar with globalize and why it creates extra non-persistent attributes.

I think it would make sense to ignore attributes that are not columns though.
Do you wanna issue a PR?