
under performing csgo2 6fps in intense situations in game

Opened this issue · 25 comments

Checklist [README]

  • Device is not undervolted nor overclocked
  • Device is using the latest drivers
  • Game is not cracked, modded and use the latest patch

Game [Required]


Game Platform [Required]

  • Steam
  • Microsoft Store
  • GOG Galaxy
  • Ubisoft Connect
  • Battle.net
  • Epic Games
  • Rockstar Games Launcher
  • EA app
  • Amazon Games app
  • Other (please specify)

Other game platform

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Processor / Processor Number [Required]

AMD Ryzen 5 3600

Graphic Card [Required]

Arc 770 16GB

GPU Driver Version [Required]

Other GPU Driver version

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Rendering API [Required]

  • Vulkan
  • OpenGL
  • DirectX12
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Windows Build Number [Required]

  • Windows 11 23H2
  • Windows 11 22H2
  • Windows 11 21H2
  • Windows 10 22H2
  • Windows 10 21H2
  • Other (Please specify)

Other Windows build number

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Intel System Support Utility report


Description and steps to reproduce [Required]

start csgo2 on steam app
go to community servers
search zombie maps and test it

Game graphic quality [Required]

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
  • Ultra

Game resolution [Required]


Game VSync [Required]


Game display mode [Required]

  • Fullscreen
  • Windowed
  • Borderless Windowed

Detailed game settings [Required]


Device / Platform name

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Crash dumps [Required, if applicable]

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Save game

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I just tried it with your settings and I have 120-ish fps, On Windows 10, with Ryzen 7800X3D. I joined a random zombie community server with 20 bots on screen, no problems here.

Can you try disabling MSAA ? It really isn't that useful, and fps shoots up to 200fps without it, even on 1440p with all other settings being high/very high.

Is there any particular map you're having problems with ?

I just tried it with your settings and I have 120-ish fps, On Windows 10, with Ryzen 7800X3D. I joined a random zombie community server with 20 bots on screen, no problems here.

Can you try disabling MSAA ? It really isn't that useful, and fps shoots up to 200fps without it, even on 1440p with all other settings being high/very high.

Is there any particular map you're having problems with ?

Try this server avg 30 fps with 63 players disable MSAA make no diference to me.

And on officials maps every few minutes there is frame drops time to time.

I would recommend ddu'ing your drivers and installing the newest ones if you don't have them already, I would also recommend trying vulkan in cs2

I would recommend ddu'ing your drivers and installing the newest ones if you don't have them already, I would also recommend trying vulkan in cs2

I got the newest driver and I did try -vulkan but the difference it actually -5 to -10 fps respect dx11

Hi @CutePotato,

Thank you for the information so far on your issue. I've been working in attempt to verify the issue, but I have run into a couple problems as I'm still seeing at least 120fps on all my testing regardless of server. I'm hoping some more clarification can help me make progress.

  1. I've had trouble finding the specific server with the IP you posted as it doesn't show up for the community server search. If you have a few servers/specific zombie maps for me to try, please let me know.
  2. You stated on official maps there is a frame drop. Do you know by how much and which maps they're most prominent on?

Once I get this info, I'll run the tests again to see what I can reproduce.


@Zack-Intel here you have the server, will try to record a video later on, when a spot is available
I try GFL clan Lord of the rings map, was 60fps but as soon as people start to shoot frames drop even more.

Not able to upload video since is over 10mb but I share capture then it drop as low as 20 fps in top left corner of the screen, counted by steam.

Hi @CutePotato,

Thank you for the information so far on your issue. I've been working in attempt to verify the issue, but I have run into a couple problems as I'm still seeing at least 120fps on all my testing regardless of server. I'm hoping some more clarification can help me make progress.

1. I've had trouble finding the specific server with the IP you posted as it doesn't show up for the community server search. If you have a few servers/specific zombie maps for me to try, please let me know.

2. You stated on official maps there is a frame drop. Do you know by how much and which maps they're most prominent on?

Once I get this info, I'll run the tests again to see what I can reproduce.


Frame drop is not depended of the map at least on me side, it's sporadic, abrupt and last for few seconds. Hopefully with the log report you will be able to replicate and solve it

@CutePotato : It's possible a background process is crippling the CPU while you're playing.
Could you try running the game in windowed mode @ 1080p, and opening task manager on the side ?
The processes need to be sorted by CPU usage% decreasing (reverse sort), and the refresh time needs to be 1sec (2sec is too long, 0.5s could be too short but it's worth a try).
As soon as the game slows down, look at the task manager and see what comes up.

@CutePotato : It's possible a background process is crippling the CPU while you're playing. Could you try running the game in windowed mode @ 1080p, and opening task manager on the side ? The processes need to be sorted by CPU usage% decreasing (reverse sort), and the refresh time needs to be 1sec (2sec is too long, 0.5s could be too short but it's worth a try). As soon as the game slows down, look at the task manager and see what comes up.

tested at native 2k in window mode cpu usage never go about 50% non memery consumtion, gameplay make no difference same average fps. Basically not resource problem, just graphic not using them well.

Hi @CutePotato

I've continued running the tests as well as worked with a colleague to get access to the server, and neither of us are still able to repro the issue.

Could you share a screenshot of the full in-game graphics settings? Additionally, are there specific types of moments where the FPS drops more significantly, like larger hoards or certain movements?

I'll continue with some other configurations and let you know once I have more to share.


@Zack-Intel Default High, most of the frame drops whenever a lot of defenders gather together to defend from the orde, in short 10-20 negev player shooting like crazy to the orde and using molov. ps. just played for a bit main drop whenever a group of zombies get on fire.

intel just recently realesed a new arc driver with better dx11 performance @CutePotato

intel just recently realesed a new arc driver with better dx11 performance @CutePotato

Nothing is mentioning in the notes. Normally performance improvement it's by game. I think if the they make a general performance improvement they put on the notes what game it take effect on.

Hi @CutePotato

We were finally able to repro the issue, but we've only been able to do so at the servers you have provided. Other servers and in-game situations do not show similar frame rate drops on our end.

It will be helpful if there are other servers that can show this issue more consistently. I also know you mentioned that base game also has sporadic frame rate drop every few minutes, but if we could also get more specific details on maybe specific triggers or how big the drop is, that can help us look further at that as well.

Also as a sanity check, is there a performance change if you lower the graphics settings?


I can't notice fps improvement if change settings. I would try to take note in me next premier game so I can be more precise

@Zack-Intel so the last game in official map (Antient) most inconsistent moments was during 1 min of the game and then I got crash in the switch side animation but this result in the same inconsistent fps like in the start of the game. So too replicate the best you can do is alt f4 and reconect.

Hi @CutePotato

I'm still having difficulty reproducing the issue on the official map. I'm presuming it was meant to say "ancient" for the map, but regardless the FPS stayed stable and no crash when switching sides.

Let me try a few more tests and discuss with my team to see what else can be done. I'll get back once I have more information to share

@Zack-Intel To be fair, the crash it just happen once and it hard to reproduce, but the described lagging and frame drop at the start at the game and once you reconnect are persistent.

Hi @CutePotato

I am still having trouble reproducing the lag and frame drop for the official maps, so here's my current plan:

I'm going to escalate to debug soon after gathering some data/logs reproducing on the servers mentioned and have that be a way to more consistently reproduce. I'll also share the steps to try reproducing on official maps to see if debug is able to see it on their system/configuration.

Given the inconsistency internally for reproducing, I don't want to make any promises that this will be examined/fixed for drivers, but I still want them to get a chance to look if anything specific pops out.

I'll post again once I have any updates to share.

ive felt the lag as well. will have 300fps but randomly drop to 2 digits. something thats has came up in the last 2 weeks. its probably in the every 5 to 10 min range it happens.

ive felt the lag as well. will have 300fps but randomly drop to 2 digits. something thats has came up in the last 2 weeks. its probably in the every 5 to 10 min range it happens.

how the hell did you get 300fps? setup?

ive felt the lag as well. will have 300fps but randomly drop to 2 digits. something thats has came up in the last 2 weeks. its probably in the every 5 to 10 min range it happens.

how the hell did you get 300fps? setup?

8700k oc all cores.
ram running @ 3600mhz cl15
A770 sparkle
game settings to all low. i get 200-300 fps most times. its not always 300. frame gen off. vysnc off
i am playing on 1080p