ITI-66/ITI-67: lower bound modifier for dates

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Section Number 2: and 2:

Issue Note 1 of XDS on FHIR says:

Note 1: This (FindSubmissionSets|FindDocuments) parameter is used when the greater than parameter modifier is used on the created parameter.

That would give the following semantic:

date[gt] < DocumentReference.date < date[lt]

But IHE TF-2a gives the following, different search parameters semantic:

$XDSDocumentEntryCreationTimeFrom <= XDSDocumentEntry.creationTime < $XDSDocumentEntryCreationTimeTo

So, to keep compatibility with ITI-18, the lower bound should use the greater than or equal modifier.

Proposed Change The note should be updated to say:

Note 1: This (FindSubmissionSets|FindDocuments) parameter is used when the greater than or equal parameter modifier is used on the created parameter.

The note 2 is not updated.


  • Medium: Significant issue or clarification. Requires discussion, but should not lead to long debate.

look for history on ITI-18 vs ITI-66. may be a CP that covered this, or affects this.