MHD 4.1.0 Issues page not update to date

Closed this issue · 3 comments

In the current publication of the IHE MHD (4.1.0), MHD Home page, there is a Note that says "Significant Changes, Open, and Closed Issues" but it does not appear that this page was updated to reflect the changes between 4.1.0 and the previous version. For example, the canonical URL of the MHD Minimal Metadata Profile changed from http to https . The Closed Issues section only back to MHD 4.0. I was expecting to find updates in the Issues page. Is it possible to update the Issues page? (As an alternative, I checked the MHD GitHub page, there is no way to coordinate between the releases and issues involved in the release.)

If "change id to ihe.iti.mhd to match current id format requirement" is in reference to the following "Official URL" in MHD Home, https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/MHD/ImplementationGuide/ihe.iti.mhd
Then, this URL does not resolve to a working page when it is entered in a Web browser.

the canonical URI of an Implementation Guide is not intended to be the same thing as the home page of the Implementation Guide.