Please consider allowing replace-logic in ITI-105

simoneOnFhir opened this issue · 1 comments

See discussion on Zulip: https://chat.fhir.org/#narrow/stream/179223-ihe/topic/MHD.20Simplified.20Publish

"We (ISiK-Specifiers and Implementers from Germany) would love to see the replaces feature maintained in ITI-105. In our use case, amendments or replacements of documents are common occurances but in our opinion don't warrant the complexitiy that comes with ITI-65. We would argue that adding Provenance to the documents doesn't necessarily require a submission set, since many details about the originating client/user/agent/etc. could be derived from HTTP metadata and OAUTH Tokens if needed."

discussed in ITI-Tech meeting.

will allow transforms including replace.

will add an open-issue asking for specific comment about this. If no comment is received after public-comment then this open-issue will be closed.