cleanup CapabililtyStatement IG build rendering

JohnMoehrke opened this issue · 0 comments

I have discovered a number of changes that enable a much better rendering of the CapabilityStatements

  1. don't include a text element, so as to allow IG builder to create narrative
  2. don't include publisher, this will come from the IG details
  3. don't include contact, this will come from the IG detail
  4. don't include copyright, this will come from the IG detail
  5. don't include a version, this will come from the IG detail
  6. don't include a publisher, this will come from the IG detail
  7. set status to active
  8. set experimental to false
  9. description is markdown, so leverage markdown for things like links
  10. do not put an empty implementationGuide element
  11. fhirVersion should be 4.0.1 (later, hope this comes from the IG detail)