Open Issue 7: search parameters

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Should there be additional required search parameters? Should
we also require any reverse chaining (_has) options for the search?
Should we require any reverse includes (_revinclude)? These would add
complexity to the server and most will have similar options through
include and normal chaining.

it is not forbidden, and a server can advertise support in their CapabilityStatement... so what would be the use-case to mandate it in mCSD?

Combined from now closed issue 22: In ITI-90, we've added a number of required search parameters to support
queries for OrganizationAffiliation and Endpoint. Is it sustainable to require this many
search parameters? Should we move some to SHOULDs or MAYs? Note that the main use case
is locating an Organization based on its business, not network, attributes (already
covered elsewhere in mCSD), then checking its Endpoints. Further, recursively searching
parents and affiliations for Endpoints is likely an edge case, not one we need to try to do
in a single request.