
Generating OWL for the LOINC/SNOMED Ontology

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I downloaded the SNOMED release that includes the LOINC terms (as subclasses of Observable entity) from here:

When I convert this release to OWL, it does not include the identification of the original LOINC Term in the output owl file.
The SNOMED browser includes this:
Screenshot 2023-12-21 at 12 03 20

Any ideas how I can get this info (owl:equivalentClass?) via the conversion process?

These seem to be added:

66141010000114	20231015	1	11010000107	30051010000102	en	900000000000013009	LOINC code ID	900000000000017005
66151010000111	20231015	1	11010000107	30051010000102	en	900000000000013009	LOINC code identifier	900000000000017005
66161010000113	20231015	1	11010000107	30051010000102	en	900000000000003001	LOINC code identifier (core metadata concept)	900000000000017005

It's true that the RF2 to OWL conversion process does not currently take the LOINC "alternate identifiers" from the RF2 files into the OWL ontology file.
I have raised the question with the relevant group in the comments section here: https://confluence.ihtsdotools.org/display/mag/SNOMED+International+Proposal+to+change+the+RF2+Identifier+File+specification

A method to add this information has been suggested in the comment here: https://confluence.ihtsdotools.org/display/mag/SNOMED+International+Proposal+to+change+the+RF2+Identifier+File+specification?focusedCommentId=221184314#comment-221184314
I like the look of option 2. That could be added to the RF2 to OWL conversion tool fairly easily.