
Semantic tags?

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In the SNOMED CT Browser I can limit my results to particular semanticTags like so:


I see this results in an API call to https://browser.ihtsdotools.org/snowstorm/snomed-ct/browser/MAIN/2024-10-01/descriptions?&limit=100&term=nail&active=true&conceptActive=true&lang=english&semanticTags=body%20structure&groupByConcept=true

How do I achieve the same result via the snowstorm API? I want to limit results to "body structure". I seem to get quite good results by just adding "body structure" to the term but I want to be sure to absolutely limit my results to body structures.

Thanks so much in advance!

It's fine to use the public browser server for testing and development but it's not for production use.
If possible we recommend using the FHIR API because it's standardised.

Snowstorm Demo Server FHIR examples:

You can get much better performance from the unofficial Snowstorm Lite demo server:

For production you must deploy your own FHIR server. Snowstorm, Snowstorm Lite or other FHIR servers can be used .

This is the equivalent using the somewhat blunt "semantic tag filter" with the Snowstorm SNOMED API, which is really intended for the browser rather than integration with applications: https://browser.ihtsdotools.org/snowstorm/snomed-ct/browser/MAIN/2024-10-01/descriptions?term=nail&active=true&semanticTags=body%20structure&conceptActive=true&groupByConcept=true&searchMode=STANDARD&offset=0&limit=20

The search results start in the items section.

Notice in this API call it's necessary to pick a release branch like MAIN/2024-10-01. The FHIR API automatically picks the latest edition loaded, although it is possible to pick a specific edition.