
Overlapping streams - shared events

aisaac opened this issue · 6 comments

Following an issue raised by @higginsr about the registry, there were discussions on call 2020-01-22 and call 2020-02-19, which clarified that:

  • Multiple streams may contain the same events
  • Processing multiple streams, you may want to merge them into a single stream, rather than doing streams consecutively.

The first of these call concluded that this could be handled via a recipe, which would tell harvesters what they can expect and suggesting the options. In the second, we questioned a potential recipe as potentially quite shallow (since we basically tell harvesters can proceed as they want). We may as well add a line in the spec that says that events can be contained in different streams (this could be seen as a clarification of the semantics for containment of events in streams)

This issue is raised for discussion and as a reminder for implementation.

Cf discussions on calls 2020-03-04 and 2020-03-17


I think that the intro of 3.5 and section 3.5.4 solve the issue. But it would be nice to have the raiser of the issue @higginsr formally confirm!

Yes, I am in a content state

@higginsr this is a powerful argument for keeping the current API name in #70 ;-)

Closing, call of 2020-06-10