
I want a remote script to be able to access my geo referenced IIIF map

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I want a remote script to be able to access my geo referenced IIIF map e.g. map feature extraction or automatic metadata creation. 

9-votes in Stanford maps meeting


  • As an AI application I want to consume IIIF Map resources including map annotations/features e.g. Robosat 

  • I want to use IIIF sources for training data

Proposed Solutions

(any ideas about how your use case might be supported)

Additional Background

(more about your perspective, existing work, etc. goes here.)

Discussion around both WMS and TMS proxies and the feasibility. The most straightforward approach might be to use ground control points (GCP) to create a GeoTIFF and from there provide WMS/TMS other web services. This however feels sub-optimial and there is interest in being able to create a better proxy service.