
Recipe #485 : Open a specific region of a canvas in a viewer

Opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Background and Summary

This recipe extends the inital content state recipe to describe how to highlight a region on a particular canvas. It discusses the extra encoding requirements when a more complicated content state annotation is required. Currently there is no viewer support for this recipe yet.

Voting and changes

We welcome comments on the recipe and as well as voting +1, confused face or -1 feel free to add comments to this issue. If this issue is approved then the author will take account of the comments before we merge the branch in to the master cookbook branch.

If the recipe is rejected by the TRC then we will make the changes requested and resubmit it to a future TRC meeting. If you feel that your comments are substantial enough that the recipe should be looked at again by the TRC after the changes have been made please vote -1 (thumbs down). A confused face is treated as abstaining.

Changes to the recipe will only be made after the TRC voting process has concluded.

A couple textual issues mentioned in the call:
regsion => region
the second page of the Book in receip []. => the second page of the Book in recipe 9 (and I think linking here is a good idea)

๐Ÿ‘ I added some small change suggestions in hypothes.is.

One more small typo: "An alternive way of sharing a region" (alternive -> alternative).

Yesterday, I forgot to mention a related recipe https://iiif.io/api/cookbook/recipe/0299-region/ We could just add this as a related recipe at the end or elaborate with a couple of sentences about the differences. Let me know if you want me to do that after the TRC process ends.

Just a few inconsistencies in the writing of names of IIIF resources (canvas vs Canvas, manifest vs Manifest) + "presentation API 3.0" -> Presentation API 3.0 and "content state API" => IIIF Content State API
Also, should there be a period after "and a target type set to Canvas"? The sentence starting with We can create an Annotation... is unclear to me (and very long) as it is now.

Issue 127 (Recipe #485 : Open a specific region of a canvas in a viewer )

+1: 15 [JulieWinchester akrishnan15 cubap glenrobson irv julsraemy kirschbombe ksclarke mikeapp nfreire regisrob rentonsa robcast triplingual zimeon]
0: 0 []
-1: 0 []
Not TRC: 0 []
Ineligible: 0 []

Result: 15 / 15 = 1.00

Super majority is in favor, issue is approved