
Recipe #540: Sharing a link for opening two or more Canvases

Opened this issue · 1 comments


Background and Summary

This recipe expands the examples of content state implementations by looking at opening multiple Manifests and canvases in a viewer.

Voting and changes

We welcome comments on the recipe and as well as voting +1, confused face or -1 feel free to add comments to this issue. If this issue is approved then the author will take account of the comments before we merge the branch in to the master cookbook branch.

If the recipe is rejected by the TRC then we will make the changes requested and resubmit it to a future TRC meeting. If you feel that your comments are substantial enough that the recipe should be looked at again by the TRC after the changes have been made please vote -1 (thumbs down). A confused face is treated as abstaining.

Changes to the recipe will only be made after the TRC voting process has concluded.

zimeon commented

I think it is good but I wonder whether "manuscripts" is the best word in the opening sentence:

I want to compare pages from two different manuscripts ...

My immediate reaction on reading the recipe was "hey, the examples just below aren't manuscripts" which was a little jarring. We are talking about canvases though I understand the desire to use a different word to introduce, maybe "from two different works"? (cf. presi describes a manifest as "represents a single object and any intellectual work or works embodied within that object")