
How to make this program work ?

Closed this issue · 23 comments

Hello, I am not sure how to make the program work. Where do I put it ? What should I do after having downloading it ? I am kind of new to this, so I would be very grateful if you could help me :)

  1. Download the latest version from https://github.com/IIInitiationnn/BloodEmporium/releases (under Assets, grab Blood.Emporium.[version].zip)
  2. Unzip.
  3. Run Blood Emporium.exe.

Let me know if you have any further difficulties :)

Thank you :)
The program launched, but when I run it, the arrow goes at the top left corner of my screen. The resolution is right. Me and a friend of mine are both trying it on our own computer, but it doesn't seem to work. Do you have any idea of what's happening ?
Thank you in advance ;)

Turns out, I did not release a newer version of the program updated for the relocated bloodweb in 6.1.0 onwards. Since Dead by Daylight has been updated since then, I am not sure if my changes from several months ago are compatible with the current game version. I have uploaded a new release, feel free to try again with that version and let me know if the program is successful. If not, I will aim to release a patch in the coming days.

Please note that this program is still several updates behind in terms of content, since I discontinued developing this project several months ago, so don't expect correct perk / add-on detection for recent content.

Does not work on my side
I don’t know how required are the game icon files, but the icon folder is mostly filled with "empty.png" instead of perks, items, addons (...) icons, and they are nowhere to be found (as png/jpg files) in my installation directory.

When your icon folder is empty, the app should use the images in the assets folder, so this should not be an issue. Would you be able to provide more details on the issues you are encountering?

As far as I can tell, just about nothing is happening when I hit "run"
I would have tried to set the icon folder to the asset folder, but I can’t find it in my installation tree
Is there any logging launch option ?

Couple things to check:

  • does your cursor move to the top left of your screen?
  • is the "run" button replaced by a "terminate" button once clicked?
  • are you running Dead by Daylight on your main monitor (if you have multiple monitors)?
  • IIRC my cursor does not move when starting (I’ll check that in a min)
  • Yes, the button itself does work (afaict) and is changed to "terminate"
  • I tried both monitors with the same result. If you think it might be the issue I’ll try disconnecting one so I only have the main monitor plugged in

Switching to one monitor only does not solve the issue
the mouse cursor does not move by an inch when hitting start

Couple more things to check:

  • are you on Windows?
  • is there a config.json file in the unzipped folder?
  • check if other features such as setting your resolution in the settings work
  • I am indeed running on windows 10 pro
  • Yes, a config.json file is present in the working directory
  • AFAIK the settings are correct wrt screen resolution/folder

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I have just pushed an update (v0.2.7) which will log any errors to the logs folder. Please update to this version and upload any relevant logs if you are still experiencing issues.

I'm using the release 0.2.8 and having the same problem.
debug-22-09-14 19-52-50.log

Looks like your assets folder is outdated. Please redownload v0.2.8, copy config.json from any old installation if you want to preserve your preference profiles and settings, and run it again, then let me know if you are still running into issues.

I downloaded it today. It is a fresh install.

Are you using a custom icon pack?

No idea what you mean by that, so probably no.

That's really odd. Would you be able to screenshot your assets folder?


Some entries in the database have the extension appended, so the program is trying to find .png.png files

Good catch. Can you confirm it is working if the .png suffix is removed? If so, I will push a fix shortly.


Fixed in 0.2.9. Thanks for your help.