Be modern data scientist man

You must use new technologies and especially if they solve your problems significantly faster and remove a dummy routine work away.

Why and what for

Hey man, look there Grafana live demo. Do you know what? You could get the same powerful dashboard to analyse your data, I mean you can get your CSV data to these dashboards in the super easy way. What I suggest is to use my little script to automate the transfer of a particular CSV file to Postgres and Elasticsearch simultaneously. The typical use case is shown in Figure below. Do you see it? WTF a data scientist should spend his time on these routine shown in the figure when actually you could do it by one Python line that I provide in in the main method. The use case

The CSV could be uploaded in overwrite mode or additional non-overwrite mode.


Mandatory software versions

  • (Elasticsearch) 5.6.4
  • (Kibana) 5.6.4
  • (zombodb-es-plugin) 5.6.4-1.0.0_beta4
  • (zombodb_xenial_pg95) 5.6.4-1.0.0_beta4
  • (PostgreSQL) 9.5.10
  • (Django) 1.11.8

The Zombodb software and docs link

No version limitations

  • Grafana
  • Python ecosystem