
unsupported compression method 188

Opened this issue · 10 comments

`> con <- DBI::dbConnect(RClickhouse::clickhouse(), host="myhost", port=9001L, user="", password="")

res <- DBI::dbGetQuery(con,"select * from tbl_sample limit 10")
Error in select(conn@ptr, statement) : unsupported compression method 188`

I'm getting this error when I try to fetch data from my clickhouse DB.

Please check which compression your server uses per-default. Could be possible that it is s new/unsupported one.

Is there a way to set the compression method via the dbConnect call ?

yes, there should be a "compression" argument with the default lz4.

when I run

SELECT getSetting('network_compression_method');

I get LZ4

Which should be supported by this library?

Which version do you use for the server?


Invalid deserialization of Native format - expecting a compressed block not where it starts?

Maybe related to DateTime64 #84
Maybe related to LowCardinality(String). (see Clickhouse setting low_cardinality_allow_in_native_format)

I use both DateTime64 and LowCardinality(String) in my DDL

Indeed, this is likely the problem at hand. We'll take a closer look at the issue and try to update the client accordingly. However, we cannot provide a time window for the next version.

Understood. Already a big thank you for taking the time to look into this.