
Passage de int! a ID!

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Message de l'equipe de dev de

Important update: we have changed the type for all IDs in our GraphQL public API schema to ID. Until April 10th, requests declaring a variable of type Int/String for an id in the query/mutation will still be accepted. From April 10th onward, such requests will be rejected. *In the meantime: Int, String, and ID will all be accepted for type. Please use this time to update your applications!
This impacts your applications if you are sending requests with query/mutation variables- specifically variables for some id/ids (like $eventId, $setId, $entrantIds, etc.). To update, you'll need to change the type declaration for any $thingId variables from Int/String to ID.
So for example, a request with a query like:

query set($setId: String!){

Will need to be changed to:

query set($setId: ID!){

These changes are reflected in the API explorer in the dev portal, and we've also updated all of the existing example documentation (if you see any cases that we missed in the dev portal, please let us know and/or open a PR).
If you have questions, please let us know in #api-alpha-discussion!

Du coup il faut passer en ID