JavaScript Weather App (route-assignment-11)

This is my work assigned by Route-Academy during learning front-end web development.

Important notice 📢

You may notice that the app currently only displays the weather forecast for three days, with no information for the remaining days of the week. This is because the API I used for the weather data has a free trial period that has ended, limiting me to only a 3-day forecast on the free plan. Rest assured, I am working on a fix for this issue and will update the app as soon as possible to provide a full week's forecast.

Table of contents



Built with

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Bootstrap5
  • JavaScript
  • AJAX


  • Real-Time location-based weather data via the user's IP address.
  • All week weather forecast.
  • The ability to search for any city and display its weather.

Design Inspiration

  • The UI design inspired by: Ledo
