
Starting with MongoDB and Mongoose with Express.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is my work assigned by Route-Academy during learning backend web development.

This documentation provides a detailed explanation of the file structure and code used in the MongoDB, Mongoose, Node.js, and Express.js app. The app follows the MVC design pattern and consists of multiple files organized into various folders for improved readability and maintainability.

Installation and Setup

The code in this module runs with the main server file index.js in the root directory.

Install dependencies:

npm install

To run the server:

node index.js

The server will start running on http://localhost:3000.

File Structure

The file structure of the project is as follows:

  • index.js
  • src/
    • config/
      • connection.js
    • controllers/
      • post.controller.js
      • user.controller.js
    • middlewares/
      • checkEmail.js
      • checkPostOwner.js
      • checkUserId.js
    • models/
      • post.model.js
      • user.model.js
    • routes/
      • post.route.js
      • user.route.js
    • router.js

API Documentation

This API documentation provides detailed information about the available endpoints and their usage in the MongoDB, Mongoose, Node.js, and Express.js app.

User Endpoints

Sign up

  • URL: /user/signup

  • Method: POST

  • Description: Create a new user account.

  • Body:

  "name": "user",
  "email": "user@user.com",
  "password": "12345",
  "age": 39,
  "gender": "male",
  "phone": "01xxxxxxxxx"


  • URL: /user/login

  • Method: POST

  • Description: Log in a user.

  • Body:

  "email": "user@user.com",
  "password": "12345"

Update User

  • URL: /user/update

  • Method: PUT

  • Description: Update user data.

  • Body:

  "id": "64b66db2f066cb441a671917",
  "name": "user",
  "email": "user@user.com",
  "password": "12345",
  "age": 30,
  "phone": "01xxxxxxxxx"

Delete User

  • URL: /user/delete

  • Method: DELETE

  • Description: Delete a user.

  • Body:

  "id": "64b69b63ecc66ede4d71dc6e"

Filter Users by Name and Age

  • URL: /user/filterNameAge

  • Method: GET

  • Description: Search for users whose names start with a specific letter and whose age is less than a specified value.

  • Body:

  "letter": "m",
  "age": 30

Filter Users by Age Range

  • URL: /user/filterAge

  • Method: GET

  • Description: Search for users whose age falls within a specified range.

  • Body:

  "lowAge": 15,
  "highAge": 30

Get All Users

  • URL: /user/all
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve all users.

Get Users with Posts

  • URL: /user/posts
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve user profiles along with their associated posts.

Post Endpoints

Add Post

  • URL: /post/add

  • Method: POST

  • Description: Add a new post.

  • Body:

  "author": "64b6ae543d3961d763baa4ff",
  "title": "1st post",
  "content": "This is my 1st post"

Update Post

  • URL: /post/update

  • Method: PUT

  • Description: Update an existing post.

  • Body:

  "id": "64b6bb1c4969be200376fe25",
  "author": "64b66d6c46ffc64f18244cf5",
  "title": "edit",
  "content": "editing.........."

Delete Post

  • URL: /post/delete

  • Method: DELETE

  • Description: Delete an existing post.

  • Body:

  "id": "64b6bb1c4969be200376fe25",
  "author": "64b66d6c36ffc64f18244cf5"

Get All Posts

  • URL: /post/all
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve all posts.

Get Posts with Authors

  • URL: /post/authors
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve all posts along with their associated authors.

Sort Posts in Descending Order

  • URL: /post/sortDesc
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve all posts sorted in descending order by the createdAt timestamp.

File Descriptions


The index.js file is the entry point of the application. It imports the express module and the router function from the router.js file in the src folder. The application is configured to listen on port 3000, and the router function is called to set up the routes and connect to the database.


The router.js file contains the router function that sets up the app's routes and database connection. It imports the userRouter and postRouter from the respective route files. The function first calls the db() function from the connection.js file in the config folder to establish a connection to the MongoDB database. Then, it sets up middleware to parse incoming JSON data and sets up the /user and /post routes using the userRouter and postRouter, respectively.


The connection.js file contains the db function that establishes a connection to the MongoDB database. It uses the mongoose module to connect to the database at mongodb:// If the connection is successful, it logs the name of the connected database. If an error occurs during the connection, it logs the error.


The post.controller.js file contains the controller functions for handling post-related operations. It imports the Post model from the post.model.js file and the User model from the user.model.js file. It also imports the userController object from the user.controller.js file to use the pushPosts function.

The controller functions in this file include:

  • addPost: Adds a new post to the database. It expects the author, title, and content data from the request body. If the post is added successfully, it calls the pushPosts function from the userController to associate the post with the user.

  • updatePost: Updates an existing post in the database. It expects the id, title, and content data from the request body. It checks if there are any updates to be made and updates the post accordingly.

  • deletePost: Deletes an existing post from the database. It expects the id of the post to be deleted.

  • getAllPosts: Retrieves all posts from the database.

  • getAllPostsWithAuthors: Retrieves all posts from the database along with their associated authors.

  • sortDesc: Retrieves all posts from the database sorted in descending order by the createdAt timestamp.


The user.controller.js file contains the controller functions for handling user-related operations. It imports the User model from the user.model.js file and the bcrypt module for password hashing.

The controller functions in this file include:

  • signUp: Creates a new user account in the database. It expects the name, email, password, age, gender, and phone data from the request body. It hashes the password using bcrypt and saves the user data to the database.

  • logIn: Logs in a user by checking the provided email and password against the database. If the email and password match, it returns a success message; otherwise, it returns a failed message.

  • updateUser: Updates an existing user's data in the database. It expects the id, name, email, password, age, and phone data from the request body. It checks for any updates and updates the user's data accordingly.

  • deleteUser: Deletes an existing user's data from the database. It expects the id of the user to be deleted.

  • searchNameAndAge: Searches for users whose names start with a specific letter and whose age is less than a specified value.

  • searchAgeRange: Searches for users whose age falls within a specified range.

  • getAllUsers: Retrieves all users from the database.

  • getUserPosts: Retrieves all users from the database along with their associated posts.

  • pushPosts: Utility function used internally to associate a post with a user.


The checkEmail.js file contains a middleware function isEmailExist that checks if a given email already exists in the database. It is used in the user sign-up route to ensure unique email addresses.


The checkPostOwner.js file contains a middleware function isOwner that checks if the user trying to update a post is the post's owner. It is used in the post update route to prevent unauthorized updates.


The checkUserId.js file contains a middleware function isAuthorExist that checks if a given user ID exists in the database. It is used in various routes to ensure that the provided user ID is valid.


The post.model.js file contains the Mongoose schema for the Post model. It defines the author, title, and content fields and includes a timestamps option to automatically add createdAt and updatedAt timestamps to the document.


The user.model.js file contains the Mongoose schema for the User model. It defines the name, email, password, age, gender, phone, and posts fields. The posts field is an array of Post ObjectIds, establishing a one-to-many relationship between users and posts. The schema also includes a timestamps option to automatically add createdAt and updatedAt timestamps to the document.


The post.route.js file contains the routes for handling post-related requests. It imports the Router from Express.js and the postController object from post.controller.js to handle the request handlers. The file defines routes for adding, updating, deleting, and retrieving posts.


The user.route.js file contains the routes for handling user-related requests. It imports the Router from Express.js and the userController object from user.controller.js to handle the request handlers. The file defines routes for user sign-up, login, updating user data, deleting a user, searching for users based on specific criteria, retrieving all users, and retrieving user profiles along with their posts.
