Questions during development feat: Add APIs 969eeb39c130141d0cca9c9b78c68f955f627ffa

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feat: Add APIs 969eeb3

  • profile:
    • PUT /profile - for updating profile
  • role
    • [id]:
      • GET /role/:id - get Role by role id. This endpoint is for search roles for adding friends. NOTE: the endpoint name may need to be modified
      • DELETE /role/:id - delete role by role id. Verification implemented.
    • GET /role - get role by the cookies
    • DELETE /role/:id - delete role by role id. Verification implemented.
  • user
    • [id]:
      • GET /user/:id - get user by user id
    • GET /user - get user by the cookies



During the middleware development, if you resolve the body in the middleware, then you resolve the body in the bottom handler. Error happens.


Create a request clone to resolve the body.

In middleware

const body = await request.clone().json();

Then you can resolve in the bottom handler

const body = await request.json()


  • Is it a good practice to use middleware?
  • Is there any other way to deal with the lock problem of resolving the body?

Originally posted by @INEEDAMONITOR in #53 (comment)