GeoJSON Encoding Rule - INSPIRE AD - Model mapping: locator.designator.addressNumber/addressExtension

Closed this issue · 2 comments

GeoJSON Encoding Rule - INSPIRE AD - Model mapping: locator.designator.addressNumber/addressExtension

I’m following the model mapping described at to convert from GML encoding Addresses to GeoJSON encoding Addresses. And I have the following question:

In our country ONE address can consist of 2 pairs of "addressNumber/addressExtension". For example:
Number: 26, Extension: A
Number 28, Extension: null
Building name: "El Molí"

This address results in: "26A-28 El Molí".

In this case, the geoJSON resulting file should contain something similar to this (I know this is not correct but at conceptual level it should be similar to):

"locator.designator": {
[ "addressNumber": "26",
"addressNumberExt": "A",
"addressNumber": "28"
"buildingIdentifier": "El Molí"

It is important to note that the pairs should be ordered, so it should be represented as an array.

Is there any way to implement this case under the GeoJSON model mapping for AD?

The intent behind the GeoJSON encoding is to create a structure that, for most use cases, is fully flattened and does not use complex properties, as these have very limited support in a lot of client software.

For this reason, creating an object structure for the locator.designator property is not compliant to the encoding. Given that locator.designator.addressNumber is of type String in the ads model, you could just use the field for the full information:

"locator.designator.addressNumber": "26A-28"

As there was no further comment, I will close this issue.