
SE: No Swedish data is found under HVD or Thematic Data views

Closed this issue · 6 comments

a harvest from Sweden was run on 10 September #209 and when we look at the Geoportal under Thematic Data | Country Overview we see that there are 250 datasets, 216 download services and 215 view services.


However, when we search the Geoportal by HVD thematic categories no records are found for Sweden.


Also, when we search by Thematic Data, again no data is found for Sweden.


Why do we not see Swedish data when searching by the various themes and catagories?


Dear @petbod-lm,
I see the issue. Could you please point me to few concrete examples of Transport networks and Addresses metadata records currently in the Geoprtal catalogue?

Hi @jescriu ,
a High Value Dataset under the Transport theme is 'TN.RoadTransportNetwork.RoadLinkSequence' (Resource ID 88237654-1449-4a76-a048-e25b936cbf99).

an example of an Inspire dataset under the Adress theme is 'Datamängd för Belägenhetsadresser, Inspire' (Resource ID 0e2a7d3f-8608-4eb0-80bb-6b9b7efc45f3).


@petbod-lm received. Thanks.

Dear @petbod-lm,

I think the issue is the URL used to identify the INSPIRE theme - e.g. in the Transport Networks matadata record (

Please use either one of the following patterns:

as indicated in this thread.

The Addresses example is using the same URL pattern.

Hi Jordi
I can confirm that this is the problem. Looking at INSPIRE Theme Land Cover there are Swedish datasets displayed and these metadata files have the URLs for GEMET theme keywords.
Thank you for looking into this and I will start working on updating all our metadata to use the correct GEMET theme URLs.

Perfect @petbod-lm!
Please send me a harvest request when it is a good moment to harvest again the SE endpoint after the metadata updates.