
tree.h för sprint2, felaktig dokumentation

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/// Finds the element for a given key in tree.
/// \param tree pointer to the tree
/// \param key the key of elem to be removed
/// \param result a pointer to where result can be stored (only defined when result is true)
/// \returns: true if key is a key in the tree
bool tree_get(tree_t *tree, tree_key_t key, elem_t *result);

/// Removes the element for a given key in tree.
/// \param tree pointer to the tree
/// \param key the key of elem to be removed
/// \param result a pointer to where result can be stored (only defined when result is true)
/// \returns: true if key is a key in the tree
bool tree_remove(tree_t *tree, tree_key_t key, elem_t *result);