
Add a print button

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Does the css theme have a printable version?

I don't think so. When we use tools to convert the HTML + CSS to pdf, it does not look good, maybe we did not find the right tool though. It is possible to make a nice screenshot of the webpage with firefox, as explained here: http://korben.info/faire-une-capture-ecran-complete-de-site-web-directement-depuis-firefox.html

Also if you do not care to much about the styling and want to print, you can use pandoc and the commands listed in the file conversion.sh

To summarize. In firefox you can do:

shift + f2
screenshot out.png --fullpage

ultimately we should have:

  • the modules/subjects arranged in rows not columns.
  • a print button that prints the page with a good layout. Doesn't cut stuff at pagebreaks

Regular Print Preview seems okay; the modules are listed in rows as you'd expect. The ToC takes up a lot of space and maybe could be hidden, though.