
v3.6: Download selected files, zip file payload logic uses two different size limits that can conflict if not cofigured properly, resulting in some files not downloaded. Should only reference one size limit.

eaquigley opened this issue · 0 comments

See RT #179817 for data, #179823 for user comment:

Issue 2: Also, I’ve attached the ‘MANIFEST.TXT’ file for the records that have only partially downloaded. It seems to explain why: Dataverse just ’skips’ a file when the parcel is too big—instead of notifying the user or packaging the files into ZIP archives. Since I have renamed all the files, I will have to go through and download them again. Instead of writing the error into a text file, the user should be notified directly when all the files aren't downloaded—otherwise there is no indication of an error.

What is happening is the original zip file size download limit jvm option is still being referenced by zip download code, even though we made a multiple zip file feature so this was not required. Consequently, the default legacy limit if not set as jvm option is 100MB and the multi zip limit is 500MB per zip file, resulting in attempting to put 500MB of stuff in a 100MB bag.

The workaround was to once again configure the jvm option to be 500MB and that made it work. However, it should not be referencing the jvm option anymore.

I am attaching some notes on the legacy option and how to configure it for reference.