Repo for DPSI Team eyeData. This project includes a set of tools for searching and exploring survey data on Dataverse.
This is a quick checklist to install eyeData on an OS X or Windows 8.1 machine. Currently, it installs the twoscoops project template for Django 1.6, including creating a sqlite database and running a skeleton site.
Install pip
- use sudo if needed
- if on Windows, make sure python is installed.
Install virtualenvwrapper
- depends on pip
- if on windows, either install virtualenvwrapper-win-1.1.5 or cygwin.
- remember to set the (shell startup file)[]
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/
or, on windows, this might be helpful.
Pull down the eyeData repository
- Use the mac client if desired or windows client
cd ~\eyeData
This may take a minute or two. Xcode needs to be installed.
mkvirtualenv eyedata
pip install -r requirements/local.txt
If you run into Xcode (or other errors) when running the install, google it. Sometimes the Xcode license agreement hasn't been accepted
vim $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate
On windows:
vim %VIRTUAL_ENV%\Scripts\activate.bat
'vim' may be any text editor
- add these lines to the postactivate file and save the file
export DJANGO_DEBUG=True
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=eyedata.settings.local
On windows:
set "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=eyedata.setings.local"
- Test the 'postactivate' script from the command line
workon eyedata
On Windows, use:
You should see eyedata.settings.local
cd eyedata
python syncdb
- Follow the prompts to create a superuser, create tables, etc.
python runserver
- Feel grateful to be alive
is the over-arching template
cd ~\eyeData\eyedata
workon eyedata
python runserver
This git repository contains a Vagrant environment that is used to mimic the Linux server that hosts the application in production. If you have Vagrant and VirtualBox installed you should be able to run vagrant up
see the running eyeData app at http://localhost:8000 (but you'll need to set "DEBUG = True" in eyedata/eyedata/settings/