Not all pins working on Arduino Nano (dynamic sending pins)
dennisfrett opened this issue · 9 comments
Bug Report
Arduino Platform
- Arduino ATmega328* board (UNO, Nano)
- PlatformIO IDE
Example to reproduce the issue
- Other
Pin(s) used for IR-receive, if not default
- Yes I use the latest release and verified this!
Current behavior
In my project I noticed some IR leds were not detected well by receivers. I created a test project where I loop over D2
- D12
on my Arduino Nano and send some predefined NEC code on it. On the pins themselves I just attach a logic analyzer to test. In the logic analyzer I use an IR NEC decoder to verify what is sent.
This is the code I use:
constexpr IRMP_DATA irData= {IRMP_NEC_PROTOCOL, 0xFF00, 0x7};
void loop() {
for (int pin = 0; pin <= 12; pin++) {
irsnd_send_data(&irData, true);
irsnd_data_print(&Serial, &irData);
I notice that for some pins I get the correct output, for other pins I get invalid output.
The pins that work are: D2
, D4
, D8
and D12
For the other pins I get different behavior, for some pins it just detects part of the protocol: the AGC pulse and the long pause, but nothing else. For other pins parts of the code seem to be messed up. For other pins nothing can be decoded.
The behavior seems consistent: for the 'working' pins it always works, for the failing pins it always fails. The IR pulses seem "right enough" to be picked up by a receiver sometimes though.
I've flashed the same code to a second Arduino Nano board to verify and get the same result.
Thanks for reporting (the copy/paste programming bug, I have to confess). 🥇
I did not set the pin to output, I used a constant as pin number in line 49 in irsndArduinoExt.cpp.h.
Maybe you can test it again and report?
Thank you very much
Sadly this does not fix the issue for me. I also tried manually setting the pin mode to output, but to no avail.
I have attached the Sigrok Pulseview file here:, this contains output for pins D2
to D5
From the NEC decoding you can see that only pin D2
and D4
are correctly recognized. D1
doesn't get recognized at all and D5
is all 1s (recognized wrong).
Could there be something off with the timing on the different pins? I don't know how to easily compare pulses in Pulseview, but if we could see the difference between the raw pulses between a failing output and a working output, it might be more clear what is going on.
void setup(){
irsnd_data.protocol = IRMP_NEC_PROTOCOL;
irsnd_data.address = 0x0707;
irsnd_data.command = 0x23;
irsnd_data.flags = 1; // repeat frame 1 time
void loop(){
for (int pin = 2; pin <= 12; pin++) {
irsnd_send_data(&irsnd_data, true);
irsnd_data_print(&Serial, &irsnd_data);
works like a charm!
The complete code I'm using now to verify is:
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <irsndSelectAllProtocols.h>
#include <irsnd.c.h>
IRMP_DATA irsnd_data;
void setup() {
irsnd_data.protocol = IRMP_NEC_PROTOCOL;
irsnd_data.address = 0x00FF;
irsnd_data.command = 0x23;
irsnd_data.flags = 0;
void loop() {
irsnd_send_data(&irsnd_data, true);
irsnd_data_print(&Serial, &irsnd_data);
This sends on pin 3 always. It seems this pin just gives very unstable results, as you can see in the screenshot
The results with the green bar at the bottom are correct, the rest are not.
It seems that around 1/10 to 1/5 pulses on pin 3 are failing randomly. When I run the same test with pin 2 or 4 they are all consistently correct.
Verified on an Arduino Uno and an Arduino Nano
I've went back and rechecked lots of pins with this code, my current conclusion seems to be: PWM pins tend to be less stable. Does that make sense?
Is the signal taken at the arduino pins or at the receiver device?
And what is your exact definition of failing?
Do you have one sender circuit for all pins?
Why do you send no repeat?
I checked the example on my oscilloscope and all output signals are the same!
Ther is no knowledge of PWM or other special functions for digital output!
The signal is taken directly at the Arduino pins, there is no actual IR led / receiver involved in my test setup.
Do you have one sender circuit for all pins?
What do you mean by this? Currently I just recompile for each pin, and connect only this pin to the analyzer.
"failing" here means the following: my devices sometimes don't pick up the IR code sent from my project, the logic analyzer is sometimes unable to decode the signal.
I'm sending no repeat just to test. I can verify if it makes a difference. Should it?
Even when it fails, the logic analyzer clearly shows a signal, and visually I cannot distinguish a failing sequence from a working one, but the devices don't pick it up and the analyzer can't decode it.
In the screenshot you can see an example of this, visually, both signals look identical, but only one is correctly decoded.
This is why it feels like the PWM pins might have slight timing variations that visually don't show up, but make make a difference in the actual signal.
Are you checking visually on your scope? Or can it decode NEC?
I re-checked with flags
set to 1
, no difference. On the PWM pins I get signals, but sometimes they cannot be decoded.
I've compared timings for "failed" signals with correct ones, it seems that some pulses are being sent too late. I don't know the details of the NEC protocol, but a working 0
gets encoded as a 565µs pulse and a 604µs pause. The failed 0
s get detected as a 570µs pulse and a 612µs pause. (According to my logic analyzer)
According to the spec, the pulse and the pause (for 0
) should take 562.5µs. Could it be that somehow they are taking a bit too long in general and the PWM pins add a slight delay (~13µs) causing the signal to become incorrect?
This is all using version 3.3.5 of the library. Weirdly, if I go back to 3.3.4, the failed signals sent on pin 3 occur much less frequently.