Error when running on Windows 10
Smakson opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi. I have a problem when running
on Windows 10 64-bit. I have followed the instructions in the and have conducted the following steps:
1. I have installed pyusb and put the libusb .dll in the specified folder (`C:\Windows\System\libusb\x64\libusb-1.0.dll`)
2. Since I kept getting an error at this point, I put the full path into the lambda function on line 35.
3. This changed the output to `error.txt` in the attachments.
I have tried following the steps with Zandig and running the script with admin rights but neither produced a change. The PoStep60 application works normally. The script also ran normally on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
The above error has since been solved. The .dll provided through the link in the README does not work. So far only the one provided through the link in the source code has worked. Both the one in the MinGW/dll and the MS/dll folders have been found to function.
The above should likely be documented and the README changed, I will proceed with that after confirmation.