
Modules not work and in station odd behavior

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I test yesterday BE build on L2 missions.
Questor not turn on any modules, hardeners, afterburners, sensor boosters.
Only use missile bays.

And on station, when unload all loot from ship to hangar he open and close hangar 9 times.

should all be working today. there were a few small bugs that caused big issues =/
afaik they are all fixed. please reply to this issue if you are still having trouble with: 268f8e4

I test now the latest build 2e7c11e.
Questor hangup when gui start, not crash only not respond...

fixed. any other issues to report w: c089552

Now gui start properly. I have set autostart false. I turn on autostart on gui. Questor unload loot on station and go to idle and nothing happens ... few seconds after this RG terminated process.

xx:xx:31 [CombatMissionsBehavior] UnloadLoot: Begin
xx:xx:36 [CombatMissionsBehavior.Unloadloot] CharacterMode: [Combat Missions], AfterMissionSalvaging: [False], CombatMissionsBehaviorState: [Idle]
xx:xx:36 [Questor] Start Mission Behavior

that was a different bug, should all be fixed now. if you are having trouble please open an issue w logs.