
🌟 [EPIC] Concept for Website Structure and User Flow

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🌟 Website Structure and User Flow

User Flow

Home / Landing Page

Less is more.

  • Logo
  • Slogan
  • What about: who are we, what are we about?
    (Team, services, tools for whom/what, also have a look at OpenSource-Mentor)

❓ Everything as a single page, only special pages (imprint etc.) as separate pages?

Pages / Struktur

Home - Landing Page

  • Logo / Graphic
  • Slogan: IT Team for Change
  • Subslogan

take back ownership of your data ...
tools for networking and action ...

Services - Landing Page

all services we want to offer - with teasers

Specialist areas

  • Consulting
  • Development / further development
  • QA / software testing, test automation
  • Concepting
  • Project management / support / Scrum
  • DevOps
  • Hosting
    • Installation
    • Mogration
    • Maintenance, Monitoring
    • Backup
    • Webmaster on demand / as a Service

Tools - Langing Page

  • Ocelot
  • E-Mail Server?
  • Nextcloud
  • HumHub
  • BigBlueButto/Jitsi/...
  • Calendar?
  • Contact management?
  • Kimai (Time tracking)
  • Git, Gitea


  • GradidoGradido
  • Human-Connection
  • Democracy-Deutschland

History --> About us

briefly summarise

Member-Teaser (see @ogerly 's PR)

  • where: About us / Team
  • Photo, Name, max. 3 Activity terms
  • optional contact possibility, Github etc. Links

Contact: Contact Form

-> to email

Social media channels

Youtube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Mastodon, Twitter, TikTok etc. ? where exactly is still to be clarified
@ogerly ?


can be taken out, as we will be less text-heavy, unnecessary


  • Copyright
  • Imprint
  • Privacy policy/Compliance

Roadmap of out Projects, Releases of the projects

❓ where and how do they take place on the website?

Donation Option

❓ Where to present? Via which services: Paypal, Patreon, Bitcoin, etc.?

Looks good to me so far @mahula πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ„