
WAF2Py High available?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi not really an issue, but curious if WAF2Py (as reverse proxy/WAF) can do high availability, probably using VRRP/Keepalived or Pacemaker?

also, is it possible to do Loadbalancing/reverse proxy for one application(domain) with several backends?

also, is it possible to do Loadbalancing/reverse proxy for one application(domain) with several backends?
yes, it is possible, you can add as many backends you need.
in the section "Real application IPs" there you put the ip of the backends.



Hi not really an issue, but curious if WAF2Py (as reverse proxy/WAF) can do high availability, probably using VRRP/Keepalived or Pacemaker?

You can set up WAF2PY with pacemaker, but we will not provide this setup, at least by now.
You will have to sync the folders /opt/waf/nginx/, /home/www-data/waf2py_community/ and the crontab file for root to the other servers. Then configure it to start the services that basically are nginx and apache (waf web interface).

if you succeed please share the receipt!
