
[GG] defenders of oasis - broken title menu

ITotalJustice opened this issue · 4 comments

there's no select option (should be blue bar). although the menu is still operational and the game seems to work fine other than this issue


also, this game enables the rom write flag, but does not try to write to rom.
it does write within the rom address space by writing to 0x8201, but sram is currently mapped at that region when the write happens.
maybe it's a mistake from the dev, thinking they had to enable this bit to write to this region, or its left over from testing.

the blue bars are sprites, and are rendered when bg is disabled.

this seems to be a prio issue as ignoring the bg prio, the blue bar is rendered (incorrectly)

fixed. issue was with how i was checking if the bg pixel was transparent, by checking if the pixel index == 0. that is correct, but i was offsetting the pixel index by 16 if palette_select was set.
