"Opt-out telemetry" should probably be more advertised

Closed this issue · 2 comments

thbar commented

I realised, by looking at the code only, that some stats about use appear to be sent by default to a remote database.

Although I understand the benefits of such stats as a tool builder, in particular during a beta, I find it problematic that it is not advertised clearly in the readme, with instructions to opt-out, or a completely opt-in operation instead (RGPD compliance etc).

I doubt most users will realise that (especially when using the Docker version), so I'm creating an issue to give a bit of visibility to this topic.

const (
influxURL = ""
influxToken = "ZgkcIAuMuoSM0KcG38iui5nLQrYv9oLiSCfJ2sin2exvxJnbMQjUea1kGQrsGteKCazgo_83thED1lS1O1XYEw=="
influxOrg = "4b2adfedb7f7619e"
influxBucket = "greenlight"

validateCmd.Flags().BoolP("telemetry", "", true, "Whether to collect and send information about execution time")

viper.BindPFlag("telemetry", validateCmd.Flags().Lookup("telemetry"))

if viper.GetBool("telemetry") {
logTelemetry(validator, ctx.Results())

func logTelemetry(validator *greenlight.Validator, results []*greenlight.ValidationResult) {
client := influxdb2.NewClient(influxURL, influxToken)
defer client.Close()
writeAPI := client.WriteAPI(influxOrg, influxBucket)
for _, r := range results {
if viper.GetBool("telemetry") {
p := newPoint("document")
p.AddField("schema_name", validator.SchemaPath())
p.AddField("schema_bytes", validator.SchemaSize())
p.AddField("execution_time_ms", r.ExecutionTime().Milliseconds())
p.AddField("name", r.Name)
p.AddField("valid", r.Valid)
for _, rule := range r.ValidationRules {
p := newPoint("rule")
p.AddField("schema_name", validator.SchemaPath())
p.AddField("schema_bytes", validator.SchemaSize())
p.AddField("execution_time_ms", rule.ExecutionTime().Milliseconds())
p.AddField("document_name", r.Name)
p.AddTag("name", rule.Name)
p.AddField("valid", rule.Valid)
p.AddField("error_count", rule.ErrorCount)

Telemetry collection is going to be removed in the upcoming version (v0.3.5)

Fixed in #27