DATA4PTToolsv0.4.2 everyLineIsReferenced

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const journeyLinePath = xpath.join(

In the EPIP-based documents, the LineRef cannot be specified within ServiceJourney. Instead, the Line is referenced from the:
ServiceJourneyPattern id="C::ServiceJourneyPattern:1::" version="any"
RouteView id="C::RouteView:1::"
LineRef ref="C::Line:1::"
Route id="C::Route:1: version="any"
LineRef ref="C::Line:1"

This validation script is not intended for use with the EPIP profile. We are currently modifying the tool so that it will be clearer which scripts that works for a selected profile. We will also add a concept of packages which includes both a XSD and the scripts for validating a given profile. So if you select the EPIP package you will get the correct XSD and also the corresponding scripts.