growing nodeset hits limit

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Error occurs during network offer validation (file size 600MB).

DEBU[2022-09-15T12:39:38+02:00] configured max distance: 500 document=epip.xml id=ZV4GB5-iaOInY6zA8qBZE scope=main script=stopPlaceQuayDistanceIsReasonable type=LOG valid=false
DEBU[2022-09-15T12:39:38+02:00] validation using schema "epip@1.1.1" document=epip.xml id=ZV4GB5-iaOInY6zA8qBZE scope=main script=xsd type=LOG valid=false
XPath error : Memory allocation failed : growing nodeset hit limit

growing nodeset hit limit

XPath error : Memory allocation failed : growing nodeset hit limit

growing nodeset hit limit

panic: TypeError: Cannot read property 'push' of undefined or null at builtin/everyStopPlaceIsReferenced.js:33:9(53)

Library used for parse and xpath queries have been replaced in v0.5.5 and should resolve this issue