
add to "redcap-tools" list

wibeasley opened this issue · 3 comments

@aarenson, @mullen2, and everyone else on this project: I'm sorry I won't get to see an updated poster about redcap-etl this year at REDCapCon.

Like PHPCap, I think this tool would fit well on the redcap-tools list. If you want it included, please create an issue and tell us:

  • a one or two sentence description (that ideally distinguishes it from the others -which shouldn't be hard for this unique project)
  • the language(s) used
  • a link to the documentation, if desired
  • a link to the version badge, if desired

@wibeasley Thanks for contacting us. I don't see REDCap-ETL fitting well into the Libraries section where PHPCap is. Although REDCap-ETL could be used as a library, we have not been promoting it in that way and have not documented it for that use. Also, as a library, REDCap-ETL is far less general than PHPCap and most or all of the other libraries listed. If you had an Applications section, I think it would fit well there. Would you be willing to add a new Applications section?

Cool. Will you please

Notice both of these are on the dev branch.

A pull request (redcap-tools/redcap-tools.github.io#50) was made for this, but not accepted.