
Airspy Decimation during Recording

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Dear Andrea

Many thanks for the Airspy ExtIO which works great on my Airspy Mini / Spyverter.
As far I know Airspy Mini have a fixed Sample Rate (3MHz and 6MHz).
Because of performance issues I use always 3MHz which works very well on my PC.
But when I Record (RF) it is too much for my Disk (SDCard).
In SDRSharp I can set the Sample rate and the Decimation. Is there a way to implement this in the Airspy ExtIO or is there an option for that to set the Decimation also for recording?

Many thanks for any hint,

ExtIO doesn't provide DSP functions; it is up to the calling SDR program (SDR#, HDSDR, GQRX) to provide such feature.