
Missing evse_id and connector_id in PATCH location client calls

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Both patchEvse and patchConnector are missing the ID for evse and connector in the path


should be

      path = "/$countryCode/$partyId/$locationId/$evseUid",

should be

        path = "/$countryCode/$partyId/$locationId/$evseUid/$connectorId",

I could create PR for it, not sure what your contribution guidelines are

Thanks for your report, you are right :)

The project has not been prioritized by the company until recently, so there is no contribution guidelines defined yet. The project will undergo many changes in the coming months and should be ready for production in summer 2024 (2.1.1 support will be dropped). Expect some refactoring in version 2.2.1, but nothing that will completely change the approach. To get back on the subject, as long as the code is correct and roughly follows established conventions, there is no reason to reject a pull request :)

I hope that time will be allocated to properly set up this repository to make it more "open-source friendly"

PS: for now, versions & credentials modules are being tested with real partners. The next module will be Location. So you may find a lot of issues in the other modules (including location) as they were not tested in real world scenarios yet

Good to know, thanks for the additional insights. We are currently testing the versions, credentials, locations and sessions module against "ourselves". Meaning we run this library as CPO and EMSP and see if data flows as expected, before trying to integrate with partners.

We also build a command module that we are planning on contributing back, I'll open a separate issue for it.

done in 0.0.15