
Can not Interact with computer hack & safebox

Jerrys-C opened this issue · 1 comments

Register works fine, but can not Interact with compute and safebox
for key, coords in pairs(Config.Locations.Computers) do local data = { name = 'computer' ..key, coords = coords, radius = 0.35, debug = Config.Debug, options = { { icon = Strings.Target.computerIcon, label = Strings.Target.computerLabel, canInteract = function() if not activeComputer then return true end return false end, action = InitiateComputerHack, onSelect = InitiateComputerHack, distance = 2 } } } AddCircleZone(data) end

Register works fine, but can not Interact with compute and safebox for key, coords in pairs(Config.Locations.Computers) do local data = { name = 'computer' ..key, coords = coords, radius = 0.35, debug = Config.Debug, options = { { icon = Strings.Target.computerIcon, label = Strings.Target.computerLabel, canInteract = function() if not activeComputer then return true end return false end, action = InitiateComputerHack, onSelect = InitiateComputerHack, distance = 2 } } } AddCircleZone(data) end

This is not an issue. The problem you're likely experiencing is the fact that these events work in tandem with each other, meaning, the computer will not work until the register has been successfully robbed and the safe will not work until the computer hack was successfully completed.