
An Android App where the user can generate a grid of sticker image, and the user can also save that image for further uses. In the backend gan model is used to generate new Images and by using rest API those images bring to android app.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Project: Sticker Generator

An Android App where the user can generate a grid of sticker image, and the user can also save that image for further uses. In the backend gan model is used to generate new Images and by using rest API those images bring to android app.

Future Possibilities

Create a sticker store, where user generate images and print from the shop.


GAN Model output

First Image Second Image
First Image Second Image

Android App

Splash Screen Main App Screen Output Screen
Splash Screen Main Page Output screen


Download And install Android App

Notebook: Anim Generator Gan PyTorch

See Server Code: Server Code

Browse Server Sticker Generator


This app contain 3 parts

  1. Create Gan Model
  2. Deploy in web (Rest API)
  3. Develop Android App

Gan Model

Framework and Datasets

Framework: Pytorch

Datasets: anime-faces


Generator Discriminator
5 ConvTranspose2d Layers 5 Conv2d layers
Normalization: BatchNorm2d Normalization: BatchNorm2d
Activation Function: ReLU, TanH Activation Function: LeakyReLU, Sigmoid

Hyper Parameters:

Hyper Parameters
Epoch: 500
Batch Size: 128
Learning Rate: 0.0002
Loss function: BCELoss
Optimizer: Adam
Betas: (0.5, 0.999)
Transformations: Resize(64), Center Crop(64), RandomRotation(30)
Image Size: 64
Generator input: 100

Others Libraries

  • Numpy
  • PIL
  • Matplotlib

Kernel Link

Anim Generator Gan PyTorch

Deploy in web (Rest API)

Gan model deployed in heroku

Web link ->

Language: Python

A rest api is developed by using flask, the api takes number of images as parameters and generate images, then make a grid image. And return the image in base64 encoded string.

Used Libraries
Code Link

See Server Code: Server Code

Browse API: API link

Develop Android App

For Developing Android App Android Studio is used.

Language: Kotlin

This app contain 4 screens -

  • Splash Screen
  • Main Screen
  • Output Screen
  • About Screen

Design Pattern - MVVM

Used Libraries
Live Data
Kotlin Coroutines

Code link

See source code: Sticker Generator

Download And install Android App


Shudipto Trafder

Email: Shudiptotrafder@gmail.com

Linkedin: Shudipto Trafder