
reverseEaseWhenNavigatingBackwards not documented

cyrusdavid opened this issue · 5 comments

I've created a demo reproducing the issue. I thought the preventDelayWhenReversingAnimations option was gonna resolve it but I must have mistunderstand that option. I hope you/someone can help.

I don't believe it is being doubled, it kinda just looks like it is due to the cubic-bezier.

When animating in reverse, Sequence v1 will also reverse a cubic-beizier to create a perfect reversal. In your case, a frame animates out fast, then slows down as it reaches the end. In reverse, the animation starts slow and ends fast but this still happens over the same amount of time.

If you don't like this, you can use reverseEaseWhenNavigatingBackwards: false which will cause Sequence to use the same cubic-bezier regardless of the direction of animation.

This option isn't currently documented, my apologies!

Oh, I see. Thank you so much for the clarification.

I'll keep the issue open until I've documented the option.


v1 no longer being updated but this option is now available in v2 and documented.