
Library for creating Discord bots written in Lisp

Primary LanguageCommon LispDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


Disco-Bot (name pending) is a library for creating bots for Discord.

There are a couple of other libraries for doing this (notably https://github.com/lispcord/lispcord), however I couldn't get that to run on my computer so I made my own.

This is very much a WIP. While it should run on any implementation of Common Lisp, I make no promises. I'm still learning Lisp, and probably can't help too much if something breaks.


Disco-bot handles the backend communication with the Discord API. Read up on that here: Discord API. Fair warning, their documentation isn't...great.

Creating a Bot

The easiest way to create a bot is using the defbot macro as follows: (defbot *bot-name* *bot-token*) This creates a new instance of the bot class with the assigned name and bot token.

The bot class contains methods used for interacting with the gateway


Events are handled using Event Glue by orthecreedence. Events fired by Event Glue are named the same as in the Discord API docs with _ replaced with -.

Events can be captured using, for example, (bind :message-create (lambda (event) (*your code*)))

You can find a list of possible gateway events here.

Sending messages

The send-message method is used to send text to the Gateway. (send-message *bot-name* channel-id "message")


Copyright © 2019 Tyler Hoskins tyleryouknowtheginger@gmail.com This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See the COPYING file for more details