
about code cache.

forgetman opened this issue · 5 comments

is there have some cached things in plugin or somewhere?
i have change my packgae name, but discover the weave file is duplicate the old package code into 'preWeave' and 'postWeave' like the image.


i have tried delete build folder, reopen android stuio, import project again, the result are same.
please help me, thx.

my gradle version is 7.2-bin, studio version is 2020.2.1 chipmunk, build gradle is 7.1.3

What happens when you run ./gradlew clean assembleDebug --no-build-cache? Does that resolve it?

@forgetman Any updates? I'm looking to resolve this issue if possible. I'll just close it out if I don't hear back within a few days. Thanks.

Sorry, I've changed all my Java code to Kotlin while I'm waiting for you, and the problem is gone. The scene is gone now. I can't carry out this order of yours

I can try your command if the problem happens again. Thank you very much.