Result nan

arvisioncode opened this issue · 3 comments


I have been doing tests with the and the "test degradation attributes" and sometimes the result is nan.
It is true that for some images it returns scores, but usually not.

python demo/ --config configs/clipiqa/ --checkpoint checkpoint/iter_80000.pth --file_path dataset/img.jpg

['Quality', 'Brightness', 'Sharpness', 'Noisiness', 'Colorfulness', 'Contrast', 'Quality']
[0.9892578  0.98876953 0.99853516 0.06488037 0.7416992  0.66796875]
['Quality', 'Brightness', 'Sharpness', 'Noisiness', 'Colorfulness', 'Contrast', 'Quality']
[nan nan nan nan nan nan]

Do you know why this can be and how to fix it?

I did not meet such a problem before.
You may check the input if there is nan.

The image is similar to the one that gives good scores. In the code, I just modify the as mentioned before and the attribute_list to ['Quality', 'Brightness', 'Sharpness', 'Noisiness', 'Colorfulness', 'Contrast'] in the

Does the entry have to have some special characteristic, such as a minimum size?

Resize from (674, 1069, 3) to (1289, 2048, 3) solves the problem