
hi. Are the results of Google News exactly the same as the results of the News section of Google? and is it possible to get the results of the web section of google with GoogleNews? How?thanks

fazialnjd opened this issue · 3 comments

hi. Are the results of Google News exactly the same as the results of the News section of Google? and is it possible to get the results of the web section of google with GoogleNews? How?thanks

and my second question;
Does GoogleNews, like pygooglenews library, have a time limit of 1000 requests per day? or does It has a limit on the number of results returns?or it will return all of them?
and my second question;
what is differents between get_news() and search() methods?

get_news() is getting from, search() is getting from which is the screenshot you post. There is not specific requests limit from Google, as this library is only simulate you normal site visit, but I don't suggest you request too frequency, as it may easily recognized as robot by Google and block your IP address with some image verification.