
Looking For upgrade version3.x

Opened this issue · 8 comments

This Plugin Is useful.
So Looking For upgrade version3.x



any update IceskYsl Please?

Hello IceskYsl...
Can u please help us to upgrading this plugin for redmin 3.x

because we are stuck due to seen unupgrade this plugin..


Need it support redmine3.3.x
Thanks @IceskYsl

hello please can u update?
i am still waiting for this since long time...

Finally I have fixed for redmine 3.X Using below Patch
In Redmine root dir open /var/www/redmine/Gemfile
and add below line
gem "activerecord-deprecated_finders", require: "active_record/deprecated_finders"

after that hit below command
bundle install

It will work

My redmine is 3.4 . @dipenpatel235 solution(gem "activerecord-deprecated_finders", require: "active_record/deprecated_finders") did not work on my redmine.
My procedure is as below:

  1. Copy to folder under redmine plugin
  2. Error message after RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:plugins:migrate

An error occurred while loading the routes definition of worklogs plugin (/opt/redmine/plugins/worklogs/config/routes.rb): Invalid route name, already in use: 'review_worklog' You may have defined two routes with the same name using the :as option, or you may be overriding a route already defined by a resource with the same naming. For the latter, you can restrict the routes created with resources as explained here.........:

3)try to add gem "activerecord-deprecated_finders", require: "active_record/deprecated_finders" in Gemfile and repeat step (2) again, but still failed with the same message.
