
Entering Auth Code Issue

Spazzinq opened this issue · 5 comments

When you enter the six digit code with a space, as it's displayed to you in Google Authenticator, it doesn't authenticate you. Could you fix that? That would be awesome :)

Is the time on your phone & server correct? If the time is off by too much it won't work.

@aaomidi No, if you enter the code as it's displayed in Google Authenticator it doesn't work. For example Google Authenticator displays the code is "777 777" and you enter the code with the space. MCAuthenticator doesn't accept it and you have to enter the code WITHOUT the space. I find that quite annoying and I wish it could be fixed.

@Ichbinjoe Where do I download the update? Sorry, I'm not too familiar with git and travis-ci.

Not to be rude, but it's been 29 days and you still haven't released an update. Got a date in mind?