
Error during opening a navigation root item

stevie-sy opened this issue · 1 comments

We did a big Upgrade from our environment:

  • Icinga (2.13.8 -> 2.14.2),
  • Icingaweb2 (2.11.4 -> 2.12.1)
  • moved to icingadb.

After this, we recognized, that we got an error clicking on an navigation item, created in the "navigation"-tab in the user account menu.


The root menu item is created like this:

and under this we created some custom views like this (a view with critical update service checks):

While the views works perfectly as usal, the root menu entry throws the error from above. A little workarround - so that colleagues are not shocked by the error message - is to write some nonsense into the url field.
So they only get a small message like "page not found".

These are the items in navigation.ini

[IT Custom Views]
type = "menu-item"
target = "_main"
users = "*"
groups = "*"
owner = "xxx"

[Critical Server Updatestatus (Liste)]
type = "menu-item"
parent = "IT Custom Views"
target = "_main"
url = "icingadb/services?(service.state.soft_state=2&host.vars.Verwalter~ST%2A)&(service.name_ci~%2Aupdatestatus%2A|service.name_ci~%2Aserverupdate%2A)&sort=host.display_name&columns=service.state.soft_state%2Cservice.state.last_state_change%2Cservice.icon_image.icon_image%2Cservice.display_name%2Cservice.host.display_name%2Cservice.state.output%2Cservice.state.performance_data%2Cservice.state.is_problem%2Chost.vars.verwalter&limit=100"
owner = "xxx"

Funny thing besides:
Doing this with an own module, you get a list with the child navigation object - like it should and it worked also before.

Your Environment

Include as many relevant details about the environment you experienced the problem in

  • Icinga Web 2 version and modules (System - About): 2.12.1
  • Web browser used: Firefox, Edge
  • Icinga 2 version used (icinga2 --version): 2.14.1
  • PHP version used (php --version): 8.0.3
  • Server operating system and version: RHEL9.3
