
client.handle_logout_request signs response twice

Lapeth opened this issue · 4 comments

When handling an IdP-initiated LogoutRequest, with sign=True and redirect binding, the LogoutResponse gets a signature in an XML element (client.create_logout_response). The XML is then deflated and Base64-encoded, and inserted in a URL as a SAMLResponse parameter. This parameter is then signed again (client.apply_binding), with the signature put in another parameter, and the whole url returned.

This double-signing causes the IdP I'm interfacing with to reject the resulting response, and there's no option to just sign once. When only doing the outermost signing, the response goes through and logout is successful.

Excerpt from

    response = self.create_logout_response(
        sign=False,  # <-- Only sign once
        # sign=sign,
        # sign_alg=sign_alg,
    rinfo = self.response_args(_req.message, response_bindings)

    return self.apply_binding(

The innermost signature also contains newline escapes (base64'd string contains '\n'), failing validation with XSD:, but forgoing the innermost signature makes this a non-issue.

Code Version


Expected Behavior

An option is present to sign in xml, sign in urlparam, or both

Current Behavior

Only signature in both places can be done.

Possible Solution

Add option in method signature, or an explanation why both signatures are necessary.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Initiate a logoutrequest from an IdP
  2. Analyze the response from SP; observe that the request contains a Signature parameter, and base64-decoding and inflating the SAMLResponse parameter reveals a second signature.

It's likely that this behavior is intended, but some IdPs reject the response, necessitating an option to sign just once.


This was already reported as #819 for SSO requests - and fixed for SATOSA in IdentityPython/SATOSA#380. I hope a similar fix would also work for logout requests...


Hello, indeed this is a related issue as Vlad says.
I pushed 71c94d5 and 52b7ccd to fix this.
This should fix the issue, but please test it and let me know.

I'm unable to test it right now, but will do so when circumstances permit. The code looks good though.

I was finally able to install the updated code on my SP and connect to the third-party IdP.

The solution works as intended. Thanks for the fix.